Providing Comprehensive Performance & Site Control Solutions for Rail Projects

Since 2005, Checkpoint has been at the forefront of delivering Site Performance and Site Control for rail projects. Our expertise ensures clients can oversee planned v actual productivity and manage compliance with CDM Regulation 22, HSE, Network Rail, and ORR Regulations, giving you peace of mind and a streamlined approach to site operations.

Performance Manager

We pride ourselves on being industry leaders, introducing innovative solutions to enhance site management:

Planned versus Actual Works Reporting

Our system provides the first-ever comprehensive reporting on planned versus actual works, allowing you to identify gaps and improve project efficiency. Record project productivity data, compare planned versus actual site works, and generate detailed reports for analysis. Identify trends, report early warning indicators to Clients, maximise efficiency gains, and substantiate and defend claims effectively.

Seamless Project Communication

Our platform acts as a conduit between the project and the site, facilitating smooth information flow and ensuring all necessary data is collated for client requirements.

Commercial Event Log Reporting

Seamlessly record and report commercial events, empowering you to make data-driven decisions and streamline operations.

Performance Trend Analysis

Our system includes advanced trend analysis tools, providing insights into productivity trends and enabling you to identify areas for improvement.

Tailored Reporting and Efficiency Gains

Our customizable daily, weekly, and monthly reports are tailored to your specific requirements, providing you with valuable insights to maximize efficiency gains. With over £150m in realized efficiencies to date, our solutions have a proven track record of delivering tangible results.

Comprehensive Plant Management

Keep track of all plant equipment on-site and record any failures or issues, ensuring timely maintenance and reducing downtime.

Site Control

Our cutting-edge access control system allows you to restrict sign-ins exclusively to rostered personnel, ensuring enhanced site security and accountability. We provide seamless integration with your existing rostering system, enabling you to track and monitor personnel sign-ins accurately.

Ensuring Competence and Safety

We prioritise safety on your rail projects by ensuring that all personnel on site possess the required competencies for their assigned tasks. Our system includes robust checks to verify valid competences, reducing the risk of accidents and improving overall project safety.

Comprehensive Site Management Features

Choose Checkpoint Site Performance and Site Control for rail projects, and experience the ultimate in site management innovation, compliance, and efficiency gains.

PPE checks

Our system facilitates mandatory PPE checks, ensuring compliance with Network Rail’s standards.

Working and travel hours management

We help you efficiently manage working and travel hour exceedances, allowing for better resource allocation and adherence to Network Rail’s fatigue standard.

Real-time 24/7 Site Monitoring

Gain a live view of everything happening on your site from anywhere, 365 days a year. Stay informed and in control at all times.

Personnel Sign-In Analytics

Track and analyse the number of personnel signed in to the site per company, providing valuable insights for resource allocation and project planning.

Site Diary and Incident Reporting

Access the site diary, weather reports, accident records, incident reports, and close call logs in real-time, ensuring comprehensive documentation and timely incident response.

Accurate Travel Time Reporting

Our postcode software accurately calculates travel times, enabling efficient planning and resource allocation.